Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Leader Profile- Rob Frederick

Name:  Robert Frederick

Nickname:  Radical Rob  (or just Rob)

Hometown:  Marion, IA

Free Time:  I spend most of my free time reading, listening to music or watching my favorite TV shows, most of which seem to get cancelled during or immediately after the first season!

Why you're excited about Mexico:  The more I think about it, I’m excited to learn about the Mexican culture, how that impacts their faith and their work for the Lord.  I’m also looking forward to building new relationships with our brothers and sisters in San Louis Potosi, and expanding my relationships with the members of our group.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Leader Profile- Nickie Smith

Name: Nickie Smith

Nickname: Nick, Suzie, Annie... Hey You!

Hometown: Technically? Panama City, FL

How do you spend your free time: Reading, hanging out with friends, watching movies and TV shows, sleeping.

Why are you excited for the trip:
I fell in love with Mexico and the kids 2 years ago. I'm excited to go back, work with the team, get to see the kids again, watch God work, and grow closer with some of the most awesome people on the face of the planet!

Student Profile- Nate Mulholland

Name: nate mulholland

Nickname: nate

Hometown: marion ia

How you spend your free time: hangin with my homies

Why you are excited for the trip: cause its gonna be epic

Leader Profile- Monna Kreher

Name: Monna Kreher

Nickname: none

Hometown: Originally from Monticello, IL. Now I live in Marion, IA

How do you spend your free time: reading, sewing, crochet and knitting

Why are you excited for the trip: I am excited to go to Mexico because I know God will use me in some way! I am looking forward to seeing another culture and how they worship and serve the Lord.

Leader Profile- Steve Novak

Steve Novak

Stevepac, Steve-O

Cedar Rapids, IA

Free time - hanging with my wife and 2 boys, volleyball, softball, watching movies, playing games, computer

Excited - why?  first mission trip, excited to see what God wants me to do, meet lots of new people and have an impact on their lives, serve God,  get to know the people I am going with.

Student Profile-Heidi Dickerson

Name:    Heidi Dickerson (on the right)

Nickname: Heidid

Hometown: Alburnett, Iowa

How do you spend your free time: Listening and singing music

Why are you excited for the trip:    Because I get to serve God in the coolest way possible by hanging out with kids.